Having a clean vet office or animal facility is important for both the animals and the humans running the place. Pet odor is one particular area of concern when running a kennel or pet grooming service. What might be simple discomfort for humans may be serious for the pets checked into your facility. Animals have keener senses of smell than humans, making them more aware of pungent odors.
According to Nova, dogs can smell 1,000 to 10,000 times better than humans. To put that into an analogy, if we can see a third of a mile a dog can see 3000 miles away!
Thus, you’ll need an effective pet odor remover for a clean kennel or pet caring facility. At Alpha Tech Pet, we offer a pet odor remover that effectively eliminates dog and cat odors while being safe for animals and the environment, even if it’s 3,000 miles away!
Ecologically and Environmentally Friendly
All of the pet odor removal products we offer are veterinarian approved, guaranteeing safety for animals in your kennel. At the same time, our recommended pet odor remover is biodegradable and natural, offering long-lasting effects while being safe for the environment.
Alpha Tech Pet ensures that all the pet odor remover products we sell have close to neutral pH levels. Products that are pH neutral mean they are non-acidic, thus are non-corrosive and non-staining. This quality makes our pet odor removers safe to spray on surfaces and fabrics without the risk of damage or stains.
Easy To Use
Our Alpha Tech Pet pet odor remover comes as an easy-to-use spray, as well as in concentrate for refill purposes. Simply spray the product in the animal’s sleeping areas, beddings, and carpets of your pet facility to eliminate foul odors.
Our pet odor remover eliminates the source of foul odors. Our solutions break down organic pet waste like urine, feces, and vomit into CO2 and water. This process completely removes pet odors and stains that the organic matter left.
While spray bottles come in ready-to-use formulas, concentrated pet odor removers are practical options if you run a busy pet care facility or animal care home. Most brands we offer are potent solutions that require only two ounces of diluted solution to eliminate pet odors.
If you run pet facilities like kennels or veterinary clinics, pet odor may be a constant issue you face. You need an effective pet odor remover that is safe for the animals in your facility. At Alpha Tech Pet, we offer a range of pet odor remover brands made with natural extracts to ensure safety for both the animals and the environment.
A pet odor remover is necessary for any pet facility’s maintenance measures. You need to clean your facility regularly to ensure the safety of the animals you serve and the people working on-site. Visit our store and browse our selection of pet odor-eliminating products.
For more education information contact Tom Bissanti: Tom@AlphaTechPet.com or visit our pet industry education website.