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Dr. Shawn E. Seitz (President - Alpha Tech Pet, Inc.)

Click here to read Dr. Seitz's personal story of Jesus Christ in his life.

Link for Message on "He Makes No Mistakes"

Click here to listen to a Bible Message Preached by Dr. Seitz on "He Makes No Mistakes"

Link for Message on "Navigating Life's Storms"

Click here to listen to a Bible Message Preached by Dr. Seitz on "Navigating Life's Storms"

Link for Gospel Message on John Chapter 3

Click here to listen to a Gospel Message preached by Dr. Seitz on the story of Nicodemus

Link for Message "When Christ is Convenient"

Click here to listen to a Message preached by Dr. Seitz on "When Christ is Convenient"

Link for Message "Muddy Feet"

Click here to watch a Message preached by Dr. Seitz titled "Muddy Feet"

Link for Message "Transition Well by Choosing Life"

Click here to watch "Transition Well by Choosing Life" by Dr. Seitz

The Christmas Story Video

Click here to watch The Christmas Story video narrated by Dr. Seitz

Dr. Shawn Seitz

Wistia video thumbnail


Wistia video thumbnail

Hope International

Dr. Shawn E. Seitz serves as a member of the New England Board for Hope International, a global, faith-based, non-profit organization focused on poverty alleviation through microenterprise development in some of the poorest parts of the world. To learn more about Hope International and to see how you too can be involved in transforming lives and offering hope go to: 2020 Annual ReportWhat's in Your Hands Video

Christian Veterinary Mission

Christian Veterinary Mission seeks to help veterinarians serve others and live out their Christian faith through their profession.

Every year, thousands of people around the world struggle to survive because they don't have the right knowledge, skills and resources to care for their animals. CVM veterinarians live and work alongside these people to encourage them and provide them with not only much needed veterinary expertise, but also the hope that is only found in Christ. As friends and encouragers, CVM veterinarians build lasting relationships with individuals and communities, helping them be transformed through Christ's love. Christian veterinarians also serve through the profession here at home, demonstrating Christ's love in word and deed.

CVM Homepage

Visit our sister company GreenPlanet Scientific to schools and businesses by clicking on the link. Green sanitation supplies for schools & businesses. Safe and environmentally friendly solutions and supplies for the green cleaning needs of schools and businesses.

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