How to Handle Skunk Spray on Pets

Pets may be adorable, but their smell certainly won’t be as adorable once they unexpectedly get a dose of skunk spray. The powerful odor left behind by a skunk may last from days to weeks if it is not properly treated by a skunk spray remover. Beyond the stink, it may also cause sneezing, drooling, nausea, and vomiting to animals. That’s why it is important to handle the skunk situation right away.

Pet owners may bring their dogs, cats, or other animals to their vet, kennel, animal hospital, or an animal shelter when sprayed by a skunk. That’s why you and your team should always be ready to manage skunk-related problems.

Today, we will be sharing with you how you can handle skunk spray at your animal care facility. Specifically, how to contain and remove the unpleasant smell with the help of a skunk remover so that the furry animals will feel comfortable and happy again.

5 Ways to Handle Skunk Spray on Pets


1. Examine the Eyes of Pets

Skunk spray may irritate the eyes of animals. Examine their eyes to check for signs of redness or swelling. Clean the eyes of the dogs or cats using sanitized water or veterinary eyewash.

2. Don’t Bathe the Animals Right Away

It might be tempting to bathe the pets as soon as possible. However, this move can be counterproductive because bathing can cause the skunk spray oils to settle in the animal fur if you don’t eliminate the musk with the right deskunking product first.

3. Use a Skunk Remover

Use a veterinarian-approved skunk spray remover that can completely and permanently neutralize skunk odors. It is ideal if you choose a product that has an effective formulation but is easy to use at the same time. Make sure to use a green, biodegradable skunk remover for the safety of the pets and people in your vet clinic or animal business facility.

4. Give the Pets a Bath

Once the odor has been eliminated, you can finally give the dogs or cats a bath. Massage pet shampoo on the fur of the animals, then rinse it with water. Towel dry the pets after bath time.

5. Remove Odor from Other Objects Using Skunk Spray Remover

The stink of skunk spray may also affect your clothing and other items in your kennel, animal shelter, or vet clinic. Use a skunk remover to get rid of unpleasant smells on the seats, carpets, fabrics, and other surfaces in your animal business venue.

Be Ready to Face Skunk Spray Pet Problems With the Help of a Skunk Spray Remover

We hope that our friendly tips have helped you become more confident to handle skunk spray on pets. Bookmark our Alpha Tech Pet website for more helpful skunk spray advice for veterinarians or animal business owners like you. Explore our website to find skunk spray remover products for your vet clinic, animal shelter, kennel, or animal hospital so you can always be ready to face skunk-related situations.



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