Pet Odor Remover Products & Skunk Odor Remover

We all love our pets, but let’s face it, sometimes they create messes that don’t smell very good. Not to worry though, Alpha Tech Pet has the products to aid you in cleaning up pet messes and the odors that accompany them!

Some of these products include:

Let’s start with OdorPet: This product makes cleaning up pet messes easy, and eliminates associated odors at the same time. Available as a ready-to-use formula or as a concentrate. You can use these products on both indoor and outdoor surfaces, furniture, carpets, pet bedding and carriers. It is a totally organic product, and it works great to remove stains from carpets. It works great to remove odors from litter boxes, bird cages, and small animal houses.

Skunk Away odor remover

Now we’re moving toSkunkAway; this safe and easy-to-use chlorine dioxide spray is great at knocking out the tough odor of skunk. Pets, especially dogs, are very likely to be sprayed by a skunk; we are sure many of you have experienced this unfortunate event, but our SkunkAway has the power to quickly remove that odor from both your pet and your home. Our spray doesn’t mask the odor, it completely breaks down the odor molecules and eliminates them completely.

Let’s shift our focus onto laundry needs, for both you and your pets. If you’re working in any kind of animal care environment (vet clinics, kennels, zoos, etc.), you will need a detergent that can powerfully clean and effectively remove pet odors and stains from your scrubs, uniforms and grooming apparel. LaundraPet will clean and remove these odors and stains from washable garments and textiles, leaving them smelling and looking fresh; this product will also remove hidden odors from pet bedding, blankets, and towels.

OxyPet removes stains and odors

OxyPet is another great product that will remove both stains and odors from pet bedding, blankets and towels; it is an activated oxygen bleach substitute that is designed to remove stains, soils, and odors. It is also effective on plastic and china pet bowls, plastic utensils and stainless steel surfaces.

These are just a few of our pet odor remover products. For more information about each odor eliminator, please give the Alpha Tech Pet team a call at 800-222-5537.



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