Eco-Friendly Ways Scent Can Benefit Your Veterinary Clinic

Our animal companions don't enjoy visits to the vet, as anyone who has gone through the stressful endeavor of coaxing their pet through the doors of a clinic can attest. All of our furry and feathered friends have much more sensitive senses of smell than we do and it only takes a few vet visits before the slightest whiff of the veterinarian office makes them want to hide.

Our animal companions don't enjoy visits to the vet, as anyone who has gone through the stressful endeavor of coaxing their pet through the doors of a clinic can attest. All of our furry and feathered friends have much more sensitive senses of smell than we do and it only takes a few vet visits before the slightest whiff of the veterinarian office makes them want to hide.

Naturally, these elevated levels of worry from our pets cause reactions that are unavoidable and leave specific scents behind. Although facility employees clean these messes with antibacterial treatments, the clinical odor they leave behind simply serves to raise patients' anxiety levels.

Benefits of a Great Scent in a Vet Clinic

Getting Rid of Unpleasant Scents: It is a constant struggle to remove unpleasant scents and odors that occur in any vet clinic. By choosing the right scent and using it regularly and consistently, it eliminates the need for other options that are ineffective.

Creating a Signature Smell: The power of scent branding is widely acknowledged as a powerful strategy for getting your clients (the human ones) to associate a specific aroma with your business. Because the sense of smell travels directly to the part of the brain that controls memory and emotion, it takes place imperceptibly.

Soothing Patients: Patients are made more at ease by the potency of properly selected scents and their relaxing effects on the brain. This is true for both animals and humans.

Lowering the Demand for Cleaning Agents with Negative Side Effects: Health warnings are frequently included with cleaning cleansers and strong bleaches. There are other, more approachable anti-bacterial choices, but they aren't as effective at getting rid of powerful odors. The need for overpowering chemical products disappears when you fill the air with a lovely smelling eco-friendly aroma. Find a product that is a powerful cleaner & disinfectant, but doesn't leave behind a typical "chemical" scent.

Utilize a Range of Smells in Various Areas of Your Clinic: Customized aroma dispersion can be achieved throughout your entire clinic by using a commercial scent machine that connects to an existing HVAC system. Additionally, there are more compact, mobile versions that are practically silent and mobile.

How Can You Make Your Vet Clinic Smell Better?

Alpha Tech Pet’s provides high-quality and environmentally friendly pet odor removers for animal care homes, dog kennels and pet care facilities. Our pet odor removers are easy and efficient to use and are available in convenient sprays and concentrate. Our products are effective as a dog odor eliminator and cat odor eliminator. These pet odor removers are safe for animals and are formulated using a bio-active formula and natural extracts.

Shop from our wide variety of eco-friendly, pet safe products by visiting the Pet Odor Remover / Cleaners page on our website or call our knowledgeable staff at (800) 222-5537 for recommendations on how to get your facility smelling great!



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