Becoming a Savvy Landlord: The Secret to Maximizing Your Tenant Potential

One of my biggest obstacles so far, has been finding peace with renting to pet owners. It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve wasted my fair share of cash on trying to get the animal dander and urine smell out of carpets, but I recently discovered a method to my madness.

dog spray bottle

As a longtime landlord, I can assure you that there is a lengthy list of dilemmas that come up on a regular basis, making this little side gig a full time job. One of my biggest obstacles so far, has been finding peace with renting to pet owners. It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve wasted my fair share of cash on trying to get the animal dander and urine smell out of carpets, but I recently discovered a method to my madness.

The Case of the Bittersweet Pet-owning Tenant

Pets…they are lovely, aren’t they? With their sweet companionship, cheeky personalities, and their constant need to urinate. Oh, I’m sorry, did we say urinate? Yeah, we did, because, like you and me, peeing is a natural part of an animal’s life. The only problem is that you and I have been trained not to pee on the floor! Whereas, our furry friends will go when and where they may feel the need. Preferably they will relieve themselves in a litter box or outdoors, but there is always that moment when that ball of fur doesn’t make it in time, and they end up leaving their mark on a carpet or, wherever. If you are a landlord, you might be nodding your head right now while thinking, “exactly why I don’t rent to pet owners!”

cat on toilet

If you’re like me, you’ve seen your fair share of rental applications. Some are glowing, others beyond questionable, and some appear perfect except for one thing…they have a less-than-trained cat or dog that comes along with them. And all you can see, or should I say, “smell,” is the gut-wrenching stink of cat urine. Trust me, I get it. I’ve spent a fortune on trying to find a cleaner that gets animal urine out for good so I can open my doors to all renters, and after so much hassle I decided to give up renting to pet owners. Until…I came across what became my secret weapons…OdorPet® and PX550®.

OdorPet and PX550

My Magic Potions

If you’re wondering why I’m so excited about pet urine, it’s time you join me for a little educational tour of Alpha Tech Pet (ATP). I stumbled across this company while I was on one of my many hunts for the perfect cat urine remover and they have changed my life… dramatically! The good thing about ATP is that all of their products are developed by company founder and longtime veterinarian, Dr. Shawn Seitz. Knowing just how bad lingering animal odor can be, Seitz went to work creating products that would make cleaning pet messes easy (OdorPet) and, obliterate associated odors instantly (PX550) essentially making odors nonexistent.

Pet Odor Transformed into a World of Nothingness

woman cleaning

By now you are probably picturing me doing back flips while aggressively scrubbing the carpets and flooring in my rental units. FALSE! With OdorPet, cleaning up pet messes is now easy; and with PX550, all you have to do is spray this safe and professional formula on the urine, and in minutes the smell is transformed chemically into a world of nothingness. And, all while using 100% food-edible ingredients listed by the FDA and FEMA as being GRAS – Wow, really? Yep. Gone for good, and safely too!

Since it was too good to be true, I decided to ask Dr. Seitz himself.

“When it comes to animals, who would know better than a veterinarian who works in concert with natural products chemists at how to make the cleanup of pet messes easier, how to permanently eliminate associate odors, and how to do it all safely. Safe for pets, safe for people, and safe for facilities.”

The Answer to Your Renting Hassles

happy dog and cat

OdorPet and PX550 are also the perfect tools for landlords because they have a long shelf-life, outliving the majority of rental lease, and all you have to do is spray and walk away. Just think of the time and money you will save not having to test out those aromatic products that do nothing more than temporarily cover up the smell, often leaving you with a perfume infused headache and no cure for your initial problem. As an added bonus, they are completely safe to use to prevent remarking, so your next pet-owning tenant can move in right away.

Did I also mention that PX550 is fabric safe? Yeah, it just gets better.

So, it is time to throw away all of your preconceived notions surrounding the dreaded “pet-owning tenant.” Don’t turn down your dream renter simply because they have a cat or dog that may have occasional accidents. Instead, open up your mind and use products that will make their home smell brand new each and every time a lease is up. You can even offer these items as a house-warming gift to make their lives, and yours, easier than they ever thought they could be in dealing with pet messes and odors.

PX550® and OdorPet® are available both retail and wholesale, shipping directly to you via Alpha Tech Pet.



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