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SoapBerries™ Laundry Detergent

If you're health conscious, love simplicity, and care about the environment, then you want GreenPlanet Scientific's latest innovation - SoapBerries Laundry Detergent. SoapBerries™ come from the Sapindus Mukorossi tree, lauded as the premier producer of Saponin, yielding fruit for 90 years of its life. Harvested only when the soapberry fruit falls from the tree, the shells of the fruit are removed and dried naturally in the sun, without any need for chemical processing. No commercial manufacturing processes are used to harness the remarkable cleaning power of Saponin. SoapBerries are 100% natural, unmodified dried fruit shells from the earth. To complete the eco-circle the seed which does not contain Saponin is used for planting new trees, animal feed and even jewelry.

Packaged 2 boxes/case with 30 wash packets per box (each packet is good for 4-6 loads of laundry)

  • Economical + Superior Cleaning Performance!
  • 100% biodegradable detergent
  • 100% recyclable packaging
  • Hypoallergenic with no dyes or fragrances
  • Dye sparing on fabrics
  • High efficiency machine friendly (no foam)
  • Natural fabric softener and odor neutralizer
  • Beneficial to septic systems / grey water
  • Combine with OxzPet for even greater cleaning power
  • Green processing
  • Zero fossil fuel, air or water pollution emitted in processing
  • Each reusable wash packet is good for 4-6 washes
  • Leaves no residues like typical detergents
  • Veterinary endorsed as pet friendly
  • Natural Saponin from shells of the Sapindus Mukorossi fruit
  • 120+ natural washes in every box