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SkunkAway® with Active Chlorine Dioxide Technology Removes Skunk Odor

This 2-part solution (mix contents of part A with contents of part B) generates a Chlorine Dioxide solution capable of knocking out the toughest of odors (Skunk Spray) in a safe and easy-to-use spray bottle application. Chlorine Dioxide actually breaks down the offensive odor molecules of skunk spray (for complete skunk odor removal), thereby eliminating the odor more effectively than anything else on the market today. Why simply mask Skunk odors when you can now break down skunk odors completely and eliminate them all together?

SkunkAway is not only a highly effective Deodorizer, it may also be beneficial at reducing ringworm infections, soothing hot spots, and assisting with skin abrasions and infections (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease).

The solution, once activated (by combining the two parts), remains effective for about a month if stored in a cool place away from sunlight.

SkunkAway link

SkunkAway Q&A
SkunkAway Part A SDS
SkunkAway Part B SDS

SkunkAway Testimonial
SkunkAway Formula Testing

Chlorine Dioxide actually breaks down the offensive odor molecules of skunk spray rather than just masking them like other products do.

1 agent is available