Inside lotus® PRO unit, oxygen from the air is safely turned into ozone then infused into tap water, creating Aqueous Ozone.
Aqueous Ozone’s extra oxygen atom is fatally attracted to pathogens and contaminants.
Harmless to people but deadly to bacteria, viruses and contaminants, the extra oxygen atom actively detaches and attacks them.
The ozone turns back into oxygen. Only pure oxygen and water remain after heavy duty cleaning and sanitizing has taken place.
How does Ozone kill microbes?
Ozone is one of the strongest oxidizers known to man. The strong antimicrobial character of ozone is partially related to its oxidation-reduction potential (2.07 V), which is higher than that of chlorine (1.36 V). This makes it 50% more powerful than chlorine and up to 3000 times faster destroying microorganisms. Ozone destroys microorganisms by reacting with oxidize able cellular components, particularly those containing double bonds, sulfhydryl groups, and phenolic rings. Therefore, membrane phospholipids, intracellular enzymes, proteins, and genomic material are targeted by ozone; these reactions result in cell damage and death of microorganisms. Ozone destroys viruses by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher concentrations, ozone destroys the capsid, or exterior protein shell by oxidation so DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), or RNA (ribonucleic acid) structures of the microorganism are affected.

lotus PRO and the aqueous ozone it makes are subject to close regulation by a number of government agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Labor Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) as follows:
EPA: The lotus PRO device itself , the aqueous ozone it manufactures and the performance claims are subject to separate and distinct treatment by the EPA:
lotus PRO Unit: The device itself does not require registration but it must be manufactured in an EPA registered establishment. Production in an unregistered establishment is a violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA – 1947). Lotus PRO’s EPA registered establishment number is 82126-CHN-001. The lotus PRO device also adheres to strict EPA regulations with regard to labeling, production, record keeping, packaging and import/export requirements.
lotus PRO Aqueous Ozone: With the exception of ozone, FIFRA mandates that any substance intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest, must be registered before sale or distribution. To obtain an EPA product registration number, a manufacturer must submit specific data regarding it’s safety and the effectiveness. Because it is chemical-free, aqueous ozone is unique in the opinion of the EPA. Unlike chemical, biochemical and microbial pesticide substances, the EPA does not require a product registration number for aqueous ozone.
Aqueous Ozone Performance Classification: The aqueous ozone made on demand by lotus PRO is classified by the EPA with regards to how it be may effectively used, e.g. as a general cleaner versus a hard surface sanitizer. lotus PRO’s aqueous ozone is classified a food contact surface sanitizer because an EPA approved lab followed strict protocol and showed a 99.999% reduction of test bacteria in 60 seconds or less.
FDA: In 1997 the FDA approved the use of ozone as an indirect food additive through use as antimicrobial agent with indirect contact with foods. In 2002 the FDA approved ozone for use on food contact areas and directly on food with its Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) designation. GRAS substances are those that are intentionally added to food which are reviewed and recognized by qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use.
USDA: The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) authorizes the establishment of the National List of allowed and prohibited substances. The National List identifies aqueous ozone as a substance that is allowed for use in organic crop and livestock production.
OHSA: Regulations address the toxicity of gaseous ozone and acknowledge the safety of aqueous ozone. Strict limits are set for exposure to gaseous ozone while no limits are set for exposure to aqueous ozone even with high concentrations. Aqueous ozone is considered to pose no health or safety threats; requires no safety training, certification or reporting; and requires no protective gear or compliance for safe use. Additionally, the aqueous ozone produced by lotus PRO carries a zero health hazard, reactivity and fire hazard NFPA ratings.
As a chemical-free cleaner the lotus PRO system has been tested and recognized as effective by third parties, exceeding the Green Seal Environmental Standard (GS-37) for performance as an Industrial Cleaner.
The aqueous ozone produced by lotus PRO is a broad range anti-microbial agent that works faster and more effectively against pathogens than chlorine bleach,without fumes and toxic residues like dioxins and tri-chloramines. Because of its toxin-free sanitizing action, aqueous ozone is considered safe as a direct and indirect food additive by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under its Organic Program. This naturally occurring substance is one of the strongest oxidizing agents known, second only to fluorine in its speed and effectiveness
Because it is chemical, vapor and residue-free, aqueous ozone is considered as extremely safe for people and the planet. In over 100 years of commercial use, there has not been a single reported death resulting from ozone exposure.
Work is now underway to obtain higher level disinfectant certification on the Lotus PRO aqueous ozone generator. We're expecting that a 4 minute contact time (with 12 hour solution stability) using the Series II stabilizer will provide kill rates sufficient for a higher level of disinfection, meaning "a solution that may be capable of inactivating vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, viruses, and some bacterial spores, yet at a shorter contact time than generally required for routine hard surface disinfectants."
*Please periodically check back with us for an update on our progress.
lotus® PRO in Food Service Areas
The lotus® PRO is particularly effective in cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces. Unlike chemical sanitizers (which must be used off hours and with protective gear) aqueous ozone can be used to clean and sanitize in the close presence of food without concerns of chemical contamination. Since aqueous ozone reverts to oxygen and water, food preparation surfaces do not require post-application rinsing to eliminate potentially harmful residues, nor do they require careful handling and preparation of chemical cleaning concentrates.
A recent article published in the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology found that ozone gas was able to inactivate more than 99.9% of most bacteria including Acinetobacter baumannii, Clostridium difficile (“C.difficile”) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (“MRSA”) in both laboratory and field conditions.
The study concluded that ozone gas is a valuable decontamination tool for the removal of bacteria in many institutions and communal settings including hospitals and other health care institutions. Ozone in the liquid phase is a significantly faster contact sanitizer than ozone gas, requiring much lower concentrations and shorter dwell times. For example 20 ppm of ozone in air takes 20 minutes to sanitize a common pathogen. By contrast, 0.25ppm concentration of aqueous ozone requires only 96 seconds to achieve the same kill rate.