Q. Can I clean food and water bowls with KennelSol?
A. That is not what it is made for but it is fine as long as you rinse the bowls.
Q. Does KennelSol Kill X?
A. If it is not listed on the label then call us at 800-222-5537. View the list on our product label and EPA stamped label
Q. How long will it last once it is mixed?
A. KennelSol in a spray bottle will retains its efficacy even after dilution for the duration of its shelf life according to the expiration date stamped on the bottle. Mixed KennelSol in a mop bucket should be dumped and remixed at the end of the day or once the mop buckets solution contains more than 5% organic debris or looks dirty.
Q. Can I use KennelSol on turf or pea gravel?
A. KennelSol will not harm turf or pea gravel, but because it is a porous surface, we cannot guarantee its full level of efficacy. For these types of surfaces, we recommend using Wysiwash outdoors for economic reasons on turf, pea gravel, etc., or Trifectant/Virkon for porous surfaces such as turf, pea gravel, rubber flooring...
Q. Can I add KennelSol to my laundry machine?
A. KennelSol is not recommended for use in a washing machine. The amount of water being cycled through each load would overdilute the KennelSol and make it ineffective. Most commercial machines have a hot water wash cycle that heats water enough to kill most germs (180°F).
Q. Can KennelSol be used around newborn puppies?
A. It is always recommended to remove animals from the general areas that you are cleaning to avoid exposure and potential harmful effects from chemicals. This goes doubly for newborn puppies, kittens, etc. Once the KennelSol has dried or been completely rinsed away, then it is safe to re-introduce the puppies into the area.
If you have any other questions call to speak to a live staff member, Monday-Friday, 9:00 to 5:00 EST - 800-222-5537