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HydroDRAIN automatic dispenser for 5 gallon pails of BioDrain

Item #: 9500
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Price: $399.75
    Points to Purchase:15990
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    Usually ships In 1-2 Business Days
    Points Earned:400
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    HydroDRAIN automatic dispenser for 5 gallon pails of BioDrain. Our HydroDRAIN pail pump automatically and accurately doses drains and drainage troughs with BioDrain at programmable timed intervals. An easily programmed timer turns the pump on and off as required to ensure regular dosing of BioDrain. For maximum safety, the HydroDRAIN pump operates on eight “D” cell alkaline batteries. No electrical outlet is required at the treatment site, which adds safety in wet areas. Batteries in the HydroDRAIN pump system will power HydDRAIN's patented pump for up to 40 running hours, providing months of service. The greatest benefit of HydroDRAIN however is that it greatly simplifies and enhances the performance of BioDrain application by never forgetting to add a dose!