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BruTab Disinfectant Tablets 6S Tablets - 256 tablets/tub - 2 tubs/case

Item #: 4600
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Price: $290.98
    Points to Purchase:11640
    The product is in stock Availability: Discontinued
    Points Earned:291
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    Bru-Clean TbC

    BruTab 6S is a powerful neutral pH disinfectant effective against a broad array of pathogens including canine parvo virus & distemper, Bordetella (Kennel Cough) and even TB. Yet, its active ingredient, sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione (NaDCC) is used worldwide to purify drinking water. Tablets dissolve in about 2 1/2 minutes requiring 1-4 tablets per gallon of water, dependent upon the concentration desired. With 256 tablets per tub this makes 256 gallons of use solution (@1076 ppm). Solution is good for 3 days once activated and the tablets have a 3-year stability prior to activation. BruTab 6S is 50% less corrosive to metals than bleach and biodegrades to ammonia and carbon dioxide.

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