Natural & Environmentally Friendly Laundry Detergent


If you’re health conscious, and you’re looking for a more environmentally friendly laundry detergent, our SoapBerries detergent is the way to go!

To make this “green” product, no harmful chemicals are added; everything is all natural, from the time the soapberry falls from the tree, to the harvesting of its hard shells, all the way to drying the shells in the sun.

We package this great product two boxes/case, with 30 wash packets per box (each individual packet is good for 4-6 loads of laundry each!).

What are some of the benefits to using such an organic product?

  • 100% biodegradable, making it one of the most Eco-friendly laundry detergent on the market
  • The packaging is 100% recyclable
  • No dyes or fragrances are added.
  • Hypoallergenic, perfect for people with sensitive skin
  • High Efficiency Washer Machine friendly, no foam!
  • Neutralizes nasty odors naturally
  • Perfect for septic systems or Gray Water
  • When processing, no fossil fuel, air or water pollution is emitted
  • Reusable wash packets are good for 4-6 loads each
  • Leaves no residue behind
  • Very pet friendly, as endorsed by veterinians
  • In every box there are at least 120 natural washes
  • USDA certified 97% Biobased Product

Do your part in helping to make a greener, more Eco-friendly world! If you have any questions about our natural laundry detergent, please give our office a call at 800-222-5537. To order your SoapBerries Laundry Detergent, please click here!



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